Why Gardening is good for mental health?
Nature has long been known for its relaxing qualities, as a place for humans to find tranquility and healing. Gardening in particular is associated with mental clarity and feelings of reward, and it has many physical benefits as well. Food gardening can particularly be gratifying and an excellent source of fresh produce. From soil preparation to the joy of harvesting, there is always a task, big or small, during the growing season! If you have ever spent a summer gardening, you know that these tasks can serve as great exercise. With many community leaders in Michigan, such as Michigan State University Extension, working to promote private gardens as well as urban agriculture opportunities such as community gardens, there has never been a better time to use gardening for exercise. But just how beneficial to your health is this age-old agricultural tradition? best mushroom growing kit for beginners https://www.justhomegardening.com/8-best-edible-mushroom-growing-kit-plus-growth-tips-for...