Fun and Quirky Gardening Tips

Check out these cute, fun, and quirky gardening tips:

1. Try using broth to water your plants– at least some of it.
2. Ever had soap build up under your nails? It is some thick stuff, and a great way to keep your nails clean when gardening. Keep a bar of soap with gardening supplies and run your nails across it anytime you will be digging in the dirt.
3. Garden tools can easily get lost when you lay them down to prevent this, try painting the handles in bright colors or wrap them in bright colored tape.
4. Spray your garden tools with a lubricant for soil to slide off easily. This will keep your tools cleaner.
5. Spray your weed eater line with vegetable oil before installing it to minimize the breakage.
6. Find some smooth stones and paint markers for your flowers and veggies.
7. Repurpose toilet paper tubes as seed starters. Save money and help the environment.
8. Turn a pallet on its side and you can use it as a plant shelf (not good for giant pots as the plants need to fit between the front and back). Spray paint it or add some wood stain first to improve the look.
9. Put coffee filters in the bottom of pots to keep in the soil while letting the plant drain.
10. Dig a hole and put an air tight container in that hole to store excess veggies.
11. Put buckets out on rainy days to fill up with rain water. Then, instead of running up your water bill, you can water your plants with the rain water.
12. Skip the chemical weed killer and pour some vinegar on them instead.
13. There are two odd looking but very ways of keeping birds out of your garden. The first is to put old CDs on fishing line and hang them around your garden. As the sun hits the shiny surface, it will reflect brightly. This tends to deter birds from coming any closer.
14. The second way is actually pretty much the same thing except that you use old Christmas ornaments instead of CDs. These are proven to be effective, but do not feel bad if people stare at your garden like you have lost it. You can always make it a little quirkier by painting some things on the CDs or ornaments. Just be sure you leave enough of the reflective surface clear to do its job.

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15. Have a garden theme. Some fun ones include:
• Ocean
• Island/surfer
• Spooky forest
• Jungle theme
• Disney
• Gulliver’s Travels
• Shakespeare
• 50’s era
• A game board
• Italian setting
You can plant flowers with the themes color, and create some fun décor for it. For more inspiration, Pinterest is full of gardening tips and ideas.

Possibly my favorite quirky tip is to use old bath tubs as garden couches. You cut off one long side, add some cushions, cute feet, and paint it.

Gardening Tool Set for Mom

Check out these cute, fun, and quirky gardening tips:

1. Try using broth to water your plants– at least some of it.
2. Ever had soap build up under your nails? It is some thick stuff, and a great way to keep your nails clean when gardening. Keep a bar of soap with gardening supplies and run your nails across it anytime you will be digging in the dirt.
3. Garden tools can easily get lost when you lay them down to prevent this, try painting the handles in bright colors or wrap them in bright colored tape.
4. Spray your garden tools with a lubricant for soil to slide off easily. This will keep your tools cleaner.
5. Spray your weed eater line with vegetable oil before installing it to minimize the breakage.
6. Find some smooth stones and paint markers for your flowers and veggies.
7. Repurpose toilet paper tubes as seed starters. Save money and help the environment.
8. Turn a pallet on its side and you can use it as a plant shelf (not good for giant pots as the plants need to fit between the front and back). Spray paint it or add some wood stain first to improve the look.

How to Revive An Air Plant

9. Put coffee filters in the bottom of pots to keep in the soil while letting the plant drain.
10. Dig a hole and put an air tight container in that hole to store excess veggies.
11. Put buckets out on rainy days to fill up with rain water. Then, instead of running up your water bill, you can water your plants with the rain water.
12. Skip the chemical weed killer and pour some vinegar on them instead.
13. There are two odd looking but very ways of keeping birds out of your garden. The first is to put old CDs on fishing line and hang them around your garden. As the sun hits the shiny surface, it will reflect brightly. This tends to deter birds from coming any closer.
14. The second way is actually pretty much the same thing except that you use old Christmas ornaments instead of CDs. These are proven to be effective, but do not feel bad if people stare at your garden like you have lost it. You can always make it a little quirkier by painting some things on the CDs or ornaments. Just be sure you leave enough of the reflective surface clear to do its job.

15. Have a garden theme. Some fun ones include:
• Ocean
• Island/surfer
• Spooky forest
• Jungle theme
• Disney
• Gulliver’s Travels
• Shakespeare
• 50’s era
• A game board
• Italian setting

edible mushroom growing kit

You can plant flowers with the themes color, and create some fun décor for it. For more inspiration, Pinterest is full of gardening tips and ideas.

Possibly my favorite quirky tip is to use old bath tubs as garden couches. You cut off one long side, add some cushions, cute feet, and paint it.


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